Rohan waghmare
2 min readJul 30, 2020


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How Did I Fall In Love With Writing?

Hey there!

My name is Rohan Waghmare, I am a student. I am very curious about literature since the very first day that it was introduced to us in school. Although my handwriting is not good enough, I believe that I have the power of words. That doesn’t mean that my vocabulary is good but I love the way I express ‘life’ through words.

I am very much interested in diary writing but was never able to afford a diary before. So I used to write about myself on blank pieces of paper and on the last pages of my math book. I loved writing essays and compositions in school and putting personal examples of life in it. My friends also appreciated that. Today, I have a personal diary and I have started writing thoughts about my life.

whenever I find myself in a state of confusion or at times I am about to make any decision of my life, the best thing I do is that I write that matter on a piece of paper and it helps me for choosing the right decision all times and eliminates the unwanted ways, I would also recommend others to follow the same yes believe me you can make the decisions of your life the best ever.

I want to be a writer, not by profession but by desire and I am grateful to ‘Medium’ for creating this platform. I would like to give a particular title to each diary I write since writing has driven me towards a new character.

I would like to name my first diary as AVATAR.

Stay tuned as I will be sharing some of my thoughts here!

- Rohan.

